
Dec 9, 2009

My Blog Anniversary - A Huge Celebration - 12 Layer Celebration Cake!

Hello Friends!

Today is exactly 1 year since I started my blog! Happy Anniversary to Mriganayani!

And of course its a big reason to celebrate! And here's what I made just for this day!

A 12 Layer - Chocolate, Mocha and Vanilla Cake!!!!!!! That's right - 12 Layers - one for each month!

This is a perfect time to say a Big Big Thank You to all of you! Thank you for taking time to visit the blog. Thank you for being a follower or a Facebook Fan of the blog. Thank you for leaving your wonderful comments. Thank You for passing on the blog to your friends and family. Thank you for just being a wonderful part of the blog!

I got the famous 12 layer cake recipe from "The Smith's Family 12- Layer Cake" and then customized it a little bit to add my touch to it. The original cake has all layers of white cake alternating with chocolate icing. I mixed it up and add three different types of layer - chocolate, plain white vanilla and Mocha. (There has to be chocolate. .that's just the rule in my kitchen!)

I have about a hundred pictures - so I'm not going to do one big post here! Let's have a part 1, 2 and 3 so you all can come back to see the episodes!

But until then, here's to all of you! I wish all of you could have a piece of this baby!





  1. Congratulationssss!!!! I am happy to be the first one to wish!!!

  2. Thanks Divya - you were indeed the first one - I just posted the recipe a couple of mins ago! Thanks for the wishes!

  3. Congrats Anu! I just can't believe that it has been a year. Great work! Lovely cake! Hats off to your consistent tempting preparations!!

  4. Congratulations Anu a great milestone indeed. Wishes for more to come. The cake looks awesome.

  5. Congratulations......What a wonderful way to celebrate!!!

  6. Hey you know, I was your first follower :D Congrats my dear! Its always a pleasure to follow your blog.

  7. Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary. Absolutely lovely cake! Its a slice of heaven :)

  8. OMG!!!!!!! it looks fantastic and damn damn tempting.. Congrats on your anniversary and thats a beautiful cake to celebrate with :)

  9. Congrats dear, 12layers cake suits prefectly for this big occasion..Keep rocking!wishing you all the best things in future..

  10. nice and tasty and tempting want to have it now
    want some dessert uwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    :) :D :P

  11. 10 layers!!! wow you made a 10 layer cake..that in itself calls for a celebration!!

  12. Wow!!!!!! cake looks excellent. 12 layered cake OMG u r great. Congrats on your blog anniversary.

  13. That is one good looking cake. Congrats!

  14. Oh my!! What a gorgeous cake :) Congratulations and wish you many many more to come!!!

  15. Congrats akka !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Wish u many returns,many layers..So ur blog is a week elder to mine...awesome job..Congrats

  17. Congrats on your blog anniversary. The cake looks tooooo good.

  18. Wow! I'm impressed with your cake.

    Happy Blog Birthday.

  19. Great cake dear..Congrats on ur blog anniversary....

  20. Omigawd...this looks awesome.What a fantabulous way to celebrate 12 months of blogging.It would probably take me a 12 months to bake this cake..:)Lovely..:)

    Congrats for the wonderful anniversary..may you have many many more.And many many layer cakes too:)

  21. oh wow..that is rocking...:)..congrats!

  22. Just Wow! You must have had a lot of patience to do this! Hats Off! And congrats on the milestone. Wishing you many more years of blogging!

  23. Happy Anniversary! I will be looking forward to another year of your yummy posts :)

  24. Sorry, I am a year late! But when I read about your 12 layer cake in your 2nd anniversary post, I just had to have a look in to it. I must say you have lot of patience to bake a cake like this one. Great job! Very well done :)

  25. i cant believe its been a year since you posted this!


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