
Jun 24, 2010

Can you guess it? - Revealed!

I got some really wonderful guesses - only one person had got it right though and that is Swetha who commented on the facebook page! Swetha - you know your desserts well or you know me well! Madhuri - I have to give you credit for that wonderful descriptive guess - you had me drooling and yes, please add in those walnuts - I think after I'm done publishing this, I'm going to go and make your creation! LOL!

Yes - these are little Gulab Jamoons - taken out of the sugar syrup and rolled in chocolate and nuts! I was actually cleaning up my fridge - had both left over GJ's and some chocolate and nuts mix. So, decided that I'll introduce them to each other - just for sweet company!

 I had only 6 remaining - and dipped 3 in the chocolate - by the time I turned to pick the next one - they were gone too...thanks to the GJ loving family! I got to taste half of the chocolate rolled one and it was soooooooo good. The next time I'm planning to make just Chocolate Gulab Jamoons!

Pick Up, Roll it, Tap It, Set it aside.

This is surely sinful - but awesomely sinful! Try it the next time you make Gulab Jamoons and you will totally agree with me.

 Enjoy! Peace out!


  1. wow, I see chocolate, some pieces of nuts. Looks like either chocolate laddoo or truffle, but truffles are very smooth, so not sure. Will wait for your post with details :)

  2. chocolate, pista, breadcrumbs, sugar.. butter.. hmm...

  3. looks like truffles with biscuit, chocolate and nuts.

  4. Looks like chocolate Shrikhand turned into truffle because you accidentally added too much cocoa powder, and then had to add more sugar to compensate, roll it in chocolate cracker crumbs, and lastly make it richer with rolling in a few powdered pistachios as well. And if this what you haven't done here, then I'm definitely gonna try making this, cos Im drooling at my own whimsical 'Chocolate Cream-cheese Truffle' recipe here! :) :)

  5. P.S: I'd throw in some crushed walnuts too, may I? :)

  6. Is it a truffle ? kids played their hands in making truffle right.

  7. cake or cookie crumbles with nuts!! I love your guessing games..hehe..

  8. Wow this is really awesome idea and easy too hah.. very innovative recipe anu.. I am going to make this next time ..interesting.

  9. This is too decadent, I can't stop eating these when they aren't rolled in nuts and chocolate... I can imagine how delicious these are!

  10. When you told me I didn't realise the drool forming in my mouth. But girl, seeing those GJ's, there goes my dieting mind... Phew! You are making it tough for me to lose weight.

  11. Woa.. what can I say! I agree with Kay, it is hard to keep up with my plans of losing weight if I look at this any longer.. I guess you can also dip the GJ in chocolate/white chocolate frosting as in cake.. hmm me getting ideas now..

  12. Whata brilliant idea :-) I am gonna love this as I love gulabjamuns and I am a chocoholic :-)

  13. OMG these look so perfect!! I would have never guessed...fantastic! Bookmarked!

  14. Perfect dessert for a chocoholic!! Yumm!!!


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