
Aug 9, 2010

Summer Fun for Kids: Make your own Fresh Fruit Bouquets!

It is still summer time here in the US. Which means, no school. Which means bored kids at home. Which means as a mom you've got to do something about it. Which means, doing real fun stuff to try to keep them away from Dora and Mickey!

Here's my project to keep my daughter busy for a few mins. After a few mins....I don't know. But, for now, at least these few mins will last a while! Even though the actual work time here is say, 10 mins, the excitement and dancing around to do this is 30 mins and then once this is done, the happiness and calling everyone she knows to let them know that she made this - another 45 mins! And then eating it up proudly - about 10 mins.  That's enough time on my hands that I welcome! Wait..not really. I get the clean up part and that takes all of it away! LOL!

A fun hands on kitchen project for the kids - with adult help only for the cutting with knives part! 

Pick your favorite fruits - watermelons, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupes, blueberries etc - anything that can go on a stick.

Let your kids use cookie cutters and cut them into cute shapes.

And then skew them on sticks. 

Make as many as you want.

Just to show that someone cannot even reach the counter yet...

Some more here...mix and match as you want - its all fun here!

You can even take this further by dipping them in chocolate and making a chocolate dipped bouquet.

Place the skewers upright in a cup or bowl or a flower vase of the right size.

And let them just be proud of their creations!

Enjoy! Peace Out!


  1. ..looks fabulous dear.ur daughter is so adorable...very creative send in ur entries for my ongoing event A Visual Treat..

  2. She is adorable and what a great idea to keep kids busy. Though it is not gonna help me now, I will definitely note down this idea for future.

  3. Wow,

    Anika looks so cute....she will start school in a month la? Hope I got the name right...She seems to have had fun!!! Did she get to eat them later???


  4. lovely adorable daughter with a beautiful and artistically created bouquet of fruits.Kudos to u for this wonderful creation.

  5. They look so cute and your kidoo looks cho cho cute too :)

  6. Whata lovely way to entertain your daughter, and what a perfect idea, no waste as well as she can eat the creation afterwards.

  7. Anu, that is soooooooooooooooooooo sweet. She is such a cutie pie. Lovely project dear, loving all the arrangements :)

  8. Kids are going to love this. Thanks for sharing.

  9. very very nice project for kids!

  10. Fabulous and awesome. Veyr healthy for kids and Anika is cute

  11. That's a great way to keep kids engaged and happy but the cleaning part is what I detest .At times, I teach them to clean also in a playful way. Anika looks adorable

  12. Good way to entertain kids. And your adorable daughter seems to have enjoyed every bit of it.

  13. Such a fun way to eat fruit, very, very innovative Anu!!

  14. Wonderful bouquet and a great way to keep the kids occupied!

  15. What a great idea, will surely do it with my daughter. If I show her ur post now, she'll want to do it right away.

  16. She is adorable and has a very lovely smile :-)

    I loved these fresh fruits bouquet! Beautiful!

  17. Oh wow anu.. i think i am late one to comment u .. so cute she is looking and wonderful job. Good ur keeping her occupied with these works atleast for some time. We are bit busy with Independence day celebration so Aadavan is fully occupied with dance and song practice, otherwise OMg cannot manage them for whole day.

  18. What a novel idea! And, Anika seems like a sooper kid, just like her sooper mommy! She's definitely going places by the time she's old enough to cook her meals...take my word for it. And look at that sweet charming face...awwwie! Mommy's got competition :)


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