
Oct 25, 2010

Green Pasta - I mean, all Green!

You can't go wrong if you go Green. And that also holds true when it comes to the food you eat.

And to take it a step further on the green theme would be to use up some fancy green ribbon Spinach pasta, top it off with some fresh Pesto sauce (my version - I'm sure if you're Italian, you're probably nodding your head sideways real fast and saying no no no). And double top it with oven cooked Asparagus! How green can that get? You'll see.

So, here's the pack of Organic Pasta that I picked up from Henry's. Love these fancy ribbons!

I was not kidding - aren't these pretty? If you reallllly like them, I'll put these on top of your gift next time. Promise!

Boil Pasta as per directions on the box and set aside. While you let the cooked pasta sit - make sure it is sitting inside cold water so that they don't stick together and become a big ball of pasta.

While that is cooking, chop up some fresh asparagus and throw in a mixing bowl.

Add 1 big spoon of chopped fresh garlic pieces to the asparagus. Add more if you're a garlic lover. (The italians are nodding their heads again - but for all good reasons now!)

Add 1 spoon of lemon juice on top.

Then, add some sea salt and pepper (optional). Give all the ingredients a good stir in the mixing bowl and move to a baking tray.

Bake in a pre heated oven for about 7-8 mins. I overdid mine as you'd probably see below - they still tasted absolutely great but I'm sure they taste even better when not overdone - just like you'd probably see below. And yes, I repeat sentences when I'm nervous or when my asparagus gets overdone just like you'd probably see below.

A fresh pesto sauce has always tickled my taste buds. There is something just divine about it - maybe its all the oil fat in it - but hey, divine nonetheless! But this version here is with no oil. 0 oil. Nada oil. Wait. Don't congratulate me yet. I added Alfredo sauce instead. Hah. Gotcha.

I just want to make this my profile picture on FB! Love the look of fresh basil on my cutting board.

Wash the basil, pick the leaves and add them to your food processor or a mixer or blender. Throw in some more fresh garlic  (more head nodding from the big I's). Throw in a bunch of almonds to the basil. Sprinkle a few drops of water and grind to a coarse paste consistency.

When that is done, add about 1/4 cup of Alfredo sauce. I used the store bought sauce and I won't stand in your way if you want to make even that fresh at home. Blend it all together until you get a good sauce consistency.

Move the sauce to a pan and heat up in medium heat for about 5 mins. Throw in some fresh chopped tomatoes for a bite.

Warm up the pasta before serving in a microwave (covered so they don't dry out).

Top off with some sauce and some asparagus. Serve immediately.  While the oven was hot - I just baked some cut bread until crisp. Top off the bread with some warm marinara sauce and sprinkle some cheese on top. Goes perfectly with the pasta.

If you can find a lot of basil, just make a whole big batch of pesto and store it in the fridge - tastes great on just about everything!

Enjoy. Peace out!


  1. Havent tried spinach pasta. Sounds yummy with the pesto!

  2. I always love love made pesto and it is the very best. With whatever stuff you have on hand....basil, arugula, spinach whatever...that too with garlic, its so awesomE!!!


  3. I love pesto sauces....even I have posted pesto pasta recipe yesterday..Have a look at it when u hv time..loved that spinach pasta but we dont get it here...Thinking of making home made pasta....greeny greeny pasta...hmm...

  4. Hey ponne, you know your heart-throb and his wife have been proclaimed couple of the week for this week he he he. Don't post this on your blog, LOL

  5. very pretty looking..I guess it tastes good too ;-)

  6. Its awesome and a literal green dish... My favourite colour.. Love the addition of asparagus.

  7. Yes the green pastas are pretty. And your presentation adds the third dimension to the recipe.


  9. Delicious!! I love asparagus.

  10. Woww simply droolworthy green pasta, yumm!

  11. Wow I love asparagus pesto.. Yummy !!! and I love them if it is stuffed in Ravioli as well.. I am too too much tempted Anu.. Just I was wondering y no post from ur said and just came to see in here. surprisingly got to see new post. Hope everything is fine there.

  12. Yes, yes, yes, I really love the pasta! So will you really put it on my gift next time? Promise? Pinky promise? :)

    What a novel really know how to 'Go Green' woman! I wonder when I will finally lay my hands on some asparagus, but when I eventually do, I know where to come for a host of recipes with it!!


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