
Sep 25, 2012

Ragi (Finger Millet) Roti

Ragi or Finger Millet is a power filled and protein rich food. This is many times made as a breakfast porridge. If you travel to remote villages in India, the farmers have this for breakfast so they have a whole bountiful of energy to get through farming and walking all day in the fields. I've also heard from the wise old people that eating this regularly helps in maintaining strong knees and legs. So, if you're planning to get old and wise, start eating this now. 

Ragi roti, is an easy recipe to start with if you are new to this grain. These are just flat breads, spiced up with flavorful seasonings. I don't even need a side dip or dish to eat this with. Just love to bite them and  chow them down. 

Start with about 2 cups of ragi flour. Add about 1/2 cup each of regular atta and 1/2 cup of rice flour. The rice flour helps to make the rotis crispy.

Here's all these seasonings that go in the roti.

Chopped Onions - 1 cup
Chopped green chilli - about 2-3 chopped finely
Chopped Ginger - about 2 tsps
Chopped Cilantro - a small bunch (you can only see a little on my chopping board ..please take a little bit more than this)

In a small pan, add about 2 tsps oil. When the oil is hot, add all of these following ingredients -

Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Chopped green chilli
Chopped ginger
Chopped onions

Saute the onions till they are cooked and turn soft.

Mix all the cooked onions and the other seasoning to the flour mix. Add salt to taste.

Finally add the chopped cilantro and mix well.

Adding water, a little at at time, make a stiff dough out of the flour.

Take a small portion, roll it into a ball and flatten it on a greased ziploc sheet. Ragi could get sticky and so you don't want to do it on a rough surface and have a big mess.

Apply a little oil on your hands and press down the flour into a round shape...well, almost round in my case.

Heat both sides on a tawa till the dough is cooked. Add a few drops of oil on top (not a lot, remember - we're trying something healthy here!)

And then...wait..we're done. Nothing else to do. Except eating of course. I don't think you'll need my help with that.

This would go great with a side of chutneys or even daal. Try some spicy tomato thokku with this. What are your favorite sides to go with this if you are a ragi regular. Let me know. 

Enjoy making it and enjoy a healthy meal. Give it to your kids as well and they would not even know how much goodness they are eating. 

Enjoy. Peace out!

Sep 11, 2012

Pudina (Mint) Paratha

Hello to all my friends out there. I missed you all much. And hope you did miss me too. 

I just came back from a crazy hectic vacation in India - traveled to almost 9 cities across India with a 9 month and a 7 year old and of course my hubby dear. But we all enjoyed every bit of it - I wish it was a longer trip and I could have done so much more and met so many other friends. To all my friends that I could not meet - so sorry..will make it up next time! And even without you asking, yes, I did eat a lot of wonderful food across all the cities. Will write a post dedicated to some of my favorite foods in India - at least the ones I was able to take pictures on. 

Meanwhile, here's a recent favorite recipe of mine. Actually recent meaning, when the fresh mint plant started growing crazy in my backyard, this dish presents itself quite often in our house. It takes just a few minutes to make. And sometimes when I'm extra lazy, i don't have to make a side to go with this. This tastes great by itself or with achhar (pickles) and yogurt. 

Ingredients Required - 

Atta - 2 cups
Fresh ground Cumin and Coriander Seed powder - a couple of tsps
Green Chillies - 2 finely chopped
Ginger - about 1/2 tsp grated finely
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Red Chilli powder - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Boiled and grated potatoes - 1 big potato or 2 small ones
Fresh mint - 1 big bunch chopped finely.
White Sesame seeds - 1 tsp
Olive oil - 1/4 cup
Water - to make the dough

Start with regular atta. Add all the seasoning above. Finally cut the mint into small bits and add to the atta. I add oil to the dough itself - it helps in keeping the parathas soft for a long time - also, this way I don't need to add a lot of ghee or oil while making the parathas. 

Boil a couple of small potatoes separately and grate them to small bits. Add this to the other ingredients.

Here's the fresh mint just plucked from my backyard. Wash the leaves thoroughly and then pluck out just the leaves and discard the stems. Hint: if you have a sink erator at home, discard some of the tender stems and run the motor - your whole sink would smell fresh and nice! No fancy chemicals needed. 

Once you've added all the ingredients, either using your hand or a electric motor, add water a little at a time and make a soft dough out of it.

Doesn't the dough look pretty itself?

Take medium sized balls of the dough and roll out into a not too thick- not too thin paratha.

Heat the paratha on both sides until cooked. Add a couple of drops of oil on top of the paratha before you flip it over. For richer parathas, add ghee. Theres' no stopping you eating all of them then. Don't blame me.

Enjoy some warm and full of goodness pudina parathas!

Next time you find good fresh mint leaves, you know what to do.

Enjoy. Peace out!